04 February 2009
The invention: A submersible vessel capable of exploring the
deepest trenches of the world’s oceans.
The people behind the invention:
William Beebe (1877-1962), an American biologist and explorer
Auguste Piccard (1884-1962), a Swiss-born Belgian physicist
Jacques Piccard (1922- ), a Swiss ocean engineer
Early Exploration of the Deep Sea
The first human penetration of the deep ocean was made byWilliam
Beebe in 1934, when he descended 923 meters into the Atlantic
Ocean near Bermuda. His diving chamber was a 1.5-meter steel ball
that he named Bathysphere, from the Greek word bathys (deep) and
the word sphere, for its shape. He found that a sphere resists pressure
in all directions equally and is not easily crushed if it is constructed
of thick steel. The bathysphere weighed 2.5 metric tons. It
had no buoyancy and was lowered from a surface ship on a single
2.2-centimeter cable; a broken cable would have meant certain
death for the bathysphere’s passengers.
Numerous deep dives by Beebe and his engineer colleague, Otis
Barton, were the first uses of submersibles for science. Through two
small viewing ports, they were able to observe and photograph
many deep-sea creatures in their natural habitats for the first time.
They also made valuable observations on the behavior of light as
the submersible descended, noting that the green surface water became
pale blue at 100 meters, dark blue at 200 meters, and nearly
black at 300 meters. A technique called “contour diving” was particularly
dangerous. In this practice, the bathysphere was slowly
towed close to the seafloor. On one such dive, the bathysphere narrowly
missed crashing into a coral crag, but the explorers learned a
great deal about the submarine geology of Bermuda and the biology
of a coral-reef community. Beebe wrote several popular and scientific
books about his adventures that did much to arouse interest in
the ocean.
Testing the Bathyscaphe
The next important phase in the exploration of the deep ocean
was led by the Swiss physicist Auguste Piccard. In 1948, he launched
a new type of deep-sea research craft that did not require a cable and
that could return to the surface by means of its own buoyancy. He
called the craft a bathyscaphe, which is Greek for “deep boat.”
Piccard began work on the bathyscaphe in 1937, supported by a
grant from the Belgian National Scientific Research Fund. The German
occupation of Belgium early in World War II cut the project
short, but Piccard continued his work after the war. The finished
bathyscaphe was named FNRS 2, for the initials of the Belgian fund
that had sponsored the project. The vessel was ready for testing in
the fall of 1948.
The first bathyscaphe, as well as later versions, consisted of
two basic components: first, a heavy steel cabin to accommodate
observers, which looked somewhat like an enlarged version of
Beebe’s bathysphere; and second, a light container called a float,
filled with gasoline, that provided lifting power because it was
lighter than water. Enough iron shot was stored in silos to cause
the vessel to descend. When this ballast was released, the gasoline
in the float gave the bathyscaphe sufficient buoyancy to return to
the surface.
Piccard’s bathyscaphe had a number of ingenious devices. Jacques-
Yves Cousteau, inventor of the Aqualung six years earlier, contributed
a mechanical claw that was used to take samples of rocks, sediment,
and bottom creatures. A seven-barreled harpoon gun, operated
by water pressure, was attached to the sphere to capture
specimens of giant squids or other large marine animals for study.
The harpoons had electrical-shock heads to stun the “sea monsters,”
and if that did not work, the harpoon could give a lethal injection of
strychnine poison. Inside the sphere were various instruments for
measuring the deep-sea environment, including a Geiger counter
for monitoring cosmic rays. The air-purification system could support
two people for up to twenty-four hours. The bathyscaphe had a
radar mast to broadcast its location as soon as it surfaced. This was
essential because there was no way for the crew to open the sphere
from the inside.The FNRS 2 was first tested off the Cape Verde Islands with the
assistance of the French navy. Although Piccard descended to only
25 meters, the dive demonstrated the potential of the bathyscaphe.
On the second dive, the vessel was severely damaged by waves, and
further tests were suspended. Aredesigned and rebuilt bathyscaphe,
renamed FNRS 3 and operated by the French navy, descended to a
depth of 4,049 meters off Dakar, Senegal, on the west coast of Africa
in early 1954.
In August, 1953, Auguste Piccard, with his son Jacques, launched a greatly improved bathyscaphe, the Trieste, which they named for the
Italian city in which it was built. In September of the same year, the
Trieste successfully dived to 3,150 meters in the Mediterranean Sea. The
Piccards glimpsed, for the first time, animals living on the seafloor at
that depth. In 1958, the U.S. Navy purchased the Trieste and transported
it to California, where it was equipped with a new cabin designed
to enable the vessel to reach the seabed of the great oceanic
trenches. Several successful descents were made in the Pacific by
Jacques Piccard, and on January 23, 1960, Piccard, accompanied by
Lieutenant DonaldWalsh of the U.S. Navy, dived a record 10,916 meters
to the bottom of the Mariana Trench near the island of Guam.
The oceans have always raised formidable barriers to humanity’s
curiosity and understanding. In 1960, two events demonstrated the
ability of humans to travel underwater for prolonged periods and to
observe the extreme depths of the ocean. The nuclear submarine
Triton circumnavigated the world while submerged, and Jacques
Piccard and Lieutenant Donald Walsh descended nearly 11 kilometers
to the bottom of the ocean’s greatest depression aboard the
Trieste. After sinking for four hours and forty-eight minutes, the
Trieste landed in the Challenger Deep of the Mariana Trench, the
deepest known spot on the ocean floor. The explorers remained on
the bottom for only twenty minutes, but they answered one of the
biggest questions about the sea: Can animals live in the immense
cold and pressure of the deep trenches? Observations of red shrimp
and flatfishes proved that the answer was yes.
The Trieste played another important role in undersea exploration
when, in 1963, it located and photographed the wreckage of the
nuclear submarine Thresher. The Thresher had mysteriously disappeared
on a test dive off the New England coast, and the Navy had
been unable to find a trace of the lost submarine using surface vessels
equipped with sonar and remote-control cameras on cables.
Only the Trieste could actually search the bottom. On its third dive,
the bathyscaphe found a piece of the wreckage, and it eventually
photographed a 3,000-meter trail of debris that led to Thresher‘s hull,
at a depth of 2.5 kilometers.These exploits showed clearly that scientific submersibles could
be used anywhere in the ocean. Piccard’s work thus opened the last
geographic frontier on Earth.
BASIC programming language
The invention: An interactive computer system and simple programming
language that made it easier for nontechnical people
to use computers.
The people behind the invention:
John G. Kemeny (1926-1992), the chairman of Dartmouth’s
mathematics department
Thomas E. Kurtz (1928- ), the director of the Kiewit
Computation Center at Dartmouth
Bill Gates (1955- ), a cofounder and later chairman of the
board and chief operating officer of the Microsoft
The Evolution of Programming
The first digital computers were developed duringWorldWar II
(1939-1945) to speed the complex calculations required for ballistics,
cryptography, and other military applications. Computer technology
developed rapidly, and the 1950’s and 1960’s saw computer systems
installed throughout the world. These systems were very large
and expensive, requiring many highly trained people for their operation.
The calculations performed by the first computers were determined
solely by their electrical circuits. In the 1940’s, The American
mathematician John von Neumann and others pioneered the idea of
computers storing their instructions in a program, so that changes
in calculations could be made without rewiring their circuits. The
programs were written in machine language, long lists of zeros and
ones corresponding to on and off conditions of circuits. During the
1950’s, “assemblers” were introduced that used short names for
common sequences of instructions and were, in turn, transformed
into the zeros and ones intelligible to the computer. The late 1950’s
saw the introduction of high-level languages, notably Formula Translation
(FORTRAN), CommonBusinessOriented Language (COBOL),
and Algorithmic Language (ALGOL), which used English words to communicate instructions to the computer. Unfortunately, these
high-level languages were complicated; they required some knowledge
of the computer equipment and were designed to be used by
scientists, engineers, and other technical experts.
Developing BASIC
John G. Kemeny was chairman of the department of mathematics
at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. In 1962,
Thomas E. Kurtz, Dartmouth’s computing director, approached
Kemeny with the idea of implementing a computer system at Dartmouth
College. Both men were dedicated to the idea that liberal arts
students should be able to make use of computers. Although the English
commands of FORTRAN and ALGOL were a tremendous improvement
over the cryptic instructions of assembly language, they
were both too complicated for beginners. Kemeny convinced Kurtz
that they needed a completely new language, simple enough for beginners
to learn quickly, yet flexible enough for many different
kinds of applications.
The language they developed was known as the “Beginner’s Allpurpose
Symbolic Instruction Code,” or BASIC. The original language
consisted of fourteen different statements. Each line of a
BASIC program was preceded by a number. Line numbers were referenced
by control flow statements, such as, “IF X = 9 THEN GOTO
200.” Line numbers were also used as an editing reference. If line 30
of a program contained an error, the programmer could make the
necessary correction merely by retyping line 30.
Programming in BASIC was first taught at Dartmouth in the fall
of 1964. Students were ready to begin writing programs after two
hours of classroom lectures. By June of 1968, more than 80 percent of
the undergraduates at Dartmouth could write a BASIC program.
Most of them were not science majors and used their programs in
conjunction with other nontechnical courses.
Kemeny and Kurtz, and later others under their supervision,
wrote more powerful versions of BASIC that included support for
graphics on video terminals and structured programming. The creators
of BASIC, however, always tried to maintain their original design
goal of keeping BASIC simple enough for beginners.
Kemeny and Kurtz encouraged the widespread adoption of BASIC
by allowing other institutions to use their computer system and
by placing BASIC in the public domain. Over time, they shaped BASIC
into a powerful language with numerous features added in response
to the needs of its users. What Kemeny and Kurtz had not
foreseen was the advent of the microprocessor chip in the early
1970’s, which revolutionized computer technology. By 1975, microcomputer
kits were being sold to hobbyists for well under a thousand
dollars. The earliest of these was the Altair.
That same year, prelaw studentWilliam H. Gates (1955- ) was
persuaded by a friend, Paul Allen, to drop out of Harvard University
and help create a version of BASIC that would run on the Altair.
Gates and Allen formed a company, Microsoft Corporation, to sell
their BASIC interpreter, which was designed to fit into the tiny
memory of the Altair. It was about as simple as the original Dartmouth
BASIC but had to depend heavily on the computer hardware.
Most computers purchased for home use still include a version
of Microsoft Corporation’s BASIC.
See also BINAC computer; COBOL computer language; FORTRAN
programming language; SAINT; Supercomputer.
Autochrome plate
The invention: The first commercially successful process in which
a single exposure in a regular camera produced a color image.
The people behind the invention:
Louis Lumière (1864-1948), a French inventor and scientist
Auguste Lumière (1862-1954), an inventor, physician, physicist,
chemist, and botanist
Alphonse Seyewetz, a skilled scientist and assistant of the
Lumière brothers
Adding Color
In 1882, Antoine Lumière, painter, pioneer photographer, and father
of Auguste and Louis, founded a factory to manufacture photographic
gelatin dry-plates. After the Lumière brothers took over the
factory’s management, they expanded production to include roll
film and printing papers in 1887 and also carried out joint research
that led to fundamental discoveries and improvements in photographic
development and other aspects of photographic chemistry.
While recording and reproducing the actual colors of a subject
was not possible at the time of photography’s inception (about
1822), the first practical photographic process, the daguerreotype,
was able to render both striking detail and good tonal quality. Thus,
the desire to produce full-color images, or some approximation to
realistic color, occupied the minds of many photographers and inventors,
including Louis and Auguste Lumière, throughout the
nineteenth century.
As researchers set out to reproduce the colors of nature, the first
process that met with any practical success was based on the additive
color theory expounded by the Scottish physicist James Clerk
Maxwell in 1861. He believed that any color can be created by
adding together red, green, and blue light in certain proportions.
Maxwell, in his experiments, had taken three negatives through
screens or filters of these additive primary colors. He then took
slides made from these negatives and projected the slides through the same filters onto a screen so that their images were superimposed.
As a result, he found that it was possible to reproduce the exact
colors as well as the form of an object.
Unfortunately, since colors could not be printed in their tonal
relationships on paper before the end of the nineteenth century,Maxwell’s experiment was unsuccessful. Although Frederick E.
Ives of Philadelphia, in 1892, optically united three transparencies
so that they could be viewed in proper alignment by looking through
a peephole, viewing the transparencies was still not as simple as
looking at a black-and-white photograph.
The Autochrome Plate
The first practical method of making a single photograph that
could be viewed without any apparatus was devised by John Joly of
Dublin in 1893. Instead of taking three separate pictures through
three colored filters, he took one negative through one filter minutely
checkered with microscopic areas colored red, green, and
blue. The filter and the plate were exactly the same size and were
placed in contact with each other in the camera. After the plate was
developed, a transparency was made, and the filter was permanently
attached to it. The black-and-white areas of the picture allowed
more or less light to shine through the filters; if viewed froma
proper distance, the colored lights blended to form the various colors
of nature.
In sum, the potential principles of additive color and other methods
and their potential applications in photography had been discovered
and even experimentally demonstrated by 1880. Yet a practical
process of color photography utilizing these principles could
not be produced until a truly panchromatic emulsion was available,
since making a color print required being able to record the primary
colors of the light cast by the subject.
Louis and Auguste Lumière, along with their research associate
Alphonse Seyewetz, succeeded in creating a single-plate process
based on this method in 1903. It was introduced commercially as the
autochrome plate in 1907 and was soon in use throughout the
world. This process is one of many that take advantage of the limited
resolving power of the eye. Grains or dots too small to be recognized
as separate units are accepted in their entirety and, to the
sense of vision, appear as tones and continuous color.Impact
While the autochrome plate remained one of the most popular
color processes until the 1930’s, soon this process was superseded by
subtractive color processes. Leopold Mannes and Leopold Godowsky,
both musicians and amateur photographic researchers who eventually
joined forces with Eastman Kodak research scientists, did the
most to perfect the Lumière brothers’ advances in making color
photography practical. Their collaboration led to the introduction in
1935 of Kodachrome, a subtractive process in which a single sheet of
film is coated with three layers of emulsion, each sensitive to one
primary color. A single exposure produces a color image.
Color photography is now commonplace. The amateur market is
enormous, and the snapshot is almost always taken in color. Commercial
and publishing markets use color extensively. Even photography
as an art form, which was done in black and white through
most of its history, has turned increasingly to color.
Atomic-powered ship
The invention: The world’s first atomic-powered merchant ship
demonstrated a peaceful use of atomic power.
The people behind the invention:
Otto Hahn (1879-1968), a German chemist
Enrico Fermi (1901-1954), an Italian American physicist
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), president of the United
States, 1953-1961
Splitting the Atom
In 1938, Otto Hahn, working at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for
Chemistry, discovered that bombarding uranium atoms with neutrons
causes them to split into two smaller, lighter atoms. A large
amount of energy is released during this process, which is called
“fission.” When one kilogram of uranium is fissioned, it releases the
same amount of energy as does the burning of 3,000 metric tons of
coal. The fission process also releases new neutrons.
Enrico Fermi suggested that these new neutrons could be used to
split more uranium atoms and produce a chain reaction. Fermi and
his assistants produced the first human-made chain reaction at the
University of Chicago on December 2, 1942. Although the first use
of this new energy source was the atomic bombs that were used to
defeat Japan in World War II, it was later realized that a carefully
controlled chain reaction could produce useful energy. The submarine
Nautilus, launched in 1954, used the energy released from fission
to make steam to drive its turbines.
U.S. President Dwight David Eisenhower proposed his “Atoms
for Peace” program in December, 1953. On April 25, 1955, President
Eisenhower announced that the “Atoms for Peace” program would
be expanded to include the design and construction of an atomicpowered
merchant ship, and he signed the legislation authorizing
the construction of the ship in 1956.Savannah’s Design and Construction
A contract to design an atomic-powered merchant ship was
awarded to George G. Sharp, Inc., on April 4, 1957. The ship was to
carry approximately one hundred passengers (later reduced to sixty
to reduce the ship’s cost) and 10,886 metric tons of cargo while making
a speed of 21 knots, about 39 kilometers per hour. The ship was
to be 181 meters long and 23.7 meters wide. The reactor was to provide
steam for a 20,000-horsepower turbine that would drive the
ship’s propeller. Most of the ship’s machinery was similar to that of
existing ships; the major difference was that steam came from a reactor
instead of a coal- or oil-burning boiler.
New York Shipbuilding Corporation of Camden, New Jersey,
won the contract to build the ship on November 16, 1957. States Marine
Lines was selected in July, 1958, to operate the ship. It was christened
Savannah and launched on July 21, 1959. The name Savannah
was chosen to honor the first ship to use steam power while crossing
an ocean. This earlier Savannah was launched in New York City
in 1818.
Ships are normally launched long before their construction is
complete, and the new Savannah was no exception. It was finally
turned over to States Marine Lines on May 1, 1962. After extensive
testing by its operators and delays caused by labor union disputes,
it began its maiden voyage from Yorktown, Virginia, to Savannah,
Georgia, on August 20, 1962. The original budget for design and
construction was $35 million, but by this time, the actual cost was
about $80 million.
Savannah‘s nuclear reactor was fueled with about 7,000 kilograms
(15,400 pounds) of uranium. Uranium consists of two forms,
or “isotopes.” These are uranium 235, which can fission, and uranium
238, which cannot. Naturally occurring uranium is less than 1
percent uranium 235, but the uranium in Savannah‘s reactor had
been enriched to contain nearly 5 percent of this isotope. Thus, there
was less than 362 kilograms of usable uranium in the reactor. The
ship was able to travel about 800,000 kilometers on this initial fuel
load. Three and a half million kilograms of water per hour flowed
through the reactor under a pressure of 5,413 kilograms per square
centimeter. It entered the reactor at 298.8 degrees Celsius and left at
317.7 degrees Celsius. Water leaving the reactor passed through a
heat exchanger called a “steam generator.” In the steam generator,
reactor water flowed through many small tubes. Heat passed through
the walls of these tubes and boiled water outside them. About
113,000 kilograms of steam per hour were produced in this way at a
pressure of 1,434 kilograms per square centimeter and a temperature
of 240.5 degrees Celsius.
Labor union disputes dogged Savannah‘s early operations, and it
did not start its first trans-Atlantic crossing until June 8, 1964. Savannah
was never a money maker. Even in the 1960’s, the trend was toward
much bigger ships. It was announced that the ship would be
retired in August, 1967, but that did not happen. It was finally put
out of service in 1971. Later, Savannah was placed on permanent display
at Charleston, South Carolina.
Following the United States’ lead, Germany and Japan built
atomic-powered merchant ships. The Soviet Union is believed to
have built several atomic-powered icebreakers. Germany’s Otto
Hahn, named for the scientist who first split the atom, began service
in 1968, and Japan’s Mutsuai was under construction as Savannah retired.
Numerous studies conducted in the early 1970’s claimed to prove
that large atomic-powered merchant ships were more profitable
than oil-fired ships of the same size. Several conferences devoted to
this subject were held, but no new ships were built.
Although the U.S. Navy has continued to use reactors to power
submarines, aircraft carriers, and cruisers, atomic power has not
been widely used for merchant-ship propulsion. Labor union problems
such as those that haunted Savannah, high insurance costs, and
high construction costs are probably the reasons. Public opinion, after
the reactor accidents at Three Mile Island (in 1979) and Chernobyl
(in 1986) is also a factor.
Atomic clock
The invention: A clock using the ammonia molecule as its oscillator
that surpasses mechanical clocks in long-term stability, precision,
and accuracy.
The person behind the invention:
Harold Lyons (1913-1984), an American physicist
Time Measurement
The accurate measurement of basic quantities, such as length,
electrical charge, and temperature, is the foundation of science. The
results of such measurements dictate whether a scientific theory is
valid or must be modified or even rejected. Many experimental
quantities change over time, but time cannot be measured directly.
It must be measured by the occurrence of an oscillation or rotation,
such as the twenty-four-hour rotation of the earth. For centuries, the
rising of the Sun was sufficient as a timekeeper, but the need for
more precision and accuracy increased as human knowledge grew.
Progress in science can be measured by how accurately time has
been measured at any given point. In 1713, the British government,
after the disastrous sinking of a British fleet in 1707 because of a miscalculation
of longitude, offered a reward of 20,000 pounds for the
invention of a ship’s chronometer (a very accurate clock). Latitude
is determined by the altitude of the Sun above the southern horizon
at noon local time, but the determination of longitude requires an
accurate clock set at Greenwich, England, time. The difference between
the ship’s clock and the local sun time gives the ship’s longitude.
This permits the accurate charting of new lands, such as those
that were being explored in the eighteenth century. John Harrison,
an English instrument maker, eventually built a chronometer that
was accurate within one minute after five months at sea. He received
his reward from Parliament in 1765.
Atomic Clocks Provide Greater Stability
A clock contains four parts: energy to keep the clock operating,
an oscillator, an oscillation counter, and a display. A grandfather
clock has weights that fall slowly, providing energy that powers the
clock’s gears. The pendulum, a weight on the end of a rod, swings
back and forth (oscillates) with a regular beat. The length of the rod
determines the pendulum’s period of oscillation. The pendulum is
attached to gears that count the oscillations and drive the display
There are limits to a mechanical clock’s accuracy and stability.
The length of the rod changes as the temperature changes, so the
period of oscillation changes. Friction in the gears changes as they
wear out. Making the clock smaller increases its accuracy, precision,
and stability. Accuracy is how close the clock is to telling the actual
time. Stability indicates how the accuracy changes over time, while
precision is the number of accurate decimal places in the display. A
grandfather clock, for example, might be accurate to ten seconds per
day and precise to a second, while having a stability of minutes per
Applying an electrical signal to a quartz crystal will make the
crystal oscillate at its natural vibration frequency, which depends on
its size, its shape, and the way in which it was cut from the larger
crystal. Since the faster a clock’s oscillator vibrates, the more precise
the clock, a crystal-based clock is more precise than a large pendulum
clock. By keeping the crystal under constant temperature, the
clock is kept accurate, but it eventually loses its stability and slowly
wears out.
In 1948, Harold Lyons and his colleagues at the National Bureau
of Standards (NBS) constructed the first atomic clock, which used
the ammonia molecule as its oscillator. Such a clock is called an
atomic clock because, when it operates, a nitrogen atom vibrates.
The pyramid-shaped ammonia molecule is composed of a triangular
base; there is a hydrogen atom at each corner and a nitrogen
atom at the top of the pyramid. The nitrogen atom does not remain
at the top; if it absorbs radio waves of the right energy and frequency,
it passes through the base to produce an upside-down pyramid
and then moves back to the top. This oscillation frequency occurs
at 23,870 megacycles (1 megacycle equals 1 million cycles) per
Lyons’s clock was actually a quartz-ammonia clock, since the signal
from a quartz crystal produced radio waves of the crystal’s fre-
quency that were fed into an ammonia-filled tube. If the radio
waves were at 23,870 megacycles, the ammonia molecules absorbed
the waves; a detector sensed this, and it sent no correction signal to
the crystal. If radio waves deviated from 23,870 megacycles, the ammonia
did not absorb them, the detector sensed the unabsorbed radio
waves, and a correction signal was sent to the crystal. The
atomic clock’s accuracy and precision were comparable to those of a
quartz-based clock—one part in a hundred million—but the atomic
clock was more stable because molecules do not wear out.
The atomic clock’s accuracy was improved by using cesium
133 atoms as the source of oscillation. These atoms oscillate at
9,192,631,770 plus or minus 20 cycles per second. They are accurate
to a billionth of a second per day and precise to nine decimal places.
A cesium clock is stable for years. Future developments in atomic
clocks may see accuracies of one part in a million billions.
The development of stable, very accurate atomic clocks has farreaching
implications for many areas of science. Global positioning
satellites send signals to receivers on ships and airplanes. By timing
the signals, the receiver’s position is calculated to within several
meters of its true location.
Chemists are interested in finding the speed of chemical reactions,
and atomic clocks are used for this purpose. The atomic clock
led to the development of the maser (an acronym formicrowave amplification
by stimulated emission of radiation), which is used to
amplify weak radio signals, and the maser led to the development
of the laser, a light-frequency maser that has more uses than can be
listed here.
Atomic clocks have been used to test Einstein’s theories of relativity
that state that time on a moving clock, as observed by a stationary
observer, slows down, and that a clock slows down near a
large mass (because of the effects of gravity). Under normal conditions
of low velocities and low mass, the changes in time are very
small, but atomic clocks are accurate and stable enough to detect
even these small changes. In such experiments, three sets of clocks
were used—one group remained on Earth, one was flown west around the earth on a jet, and the last set was flown east. By comparing
the times of the in-flight sets with the stationary set, the
predicted slowdowns of time were observed and the theories were
03 February 2009
Atomic bomb
The invention: A weapon of mass destruction created during
World War II that utilized nuclear fission to create explosions
equivalent to thousands of tons of trinitrotoluene (TNT),
The people behind the invention:
J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967), an American physicist
Leslie Richard Groves (1896-1970), an American engineer and
Army general
Enrico Fermi (1900-1954), an Italian American nuclear physicist
Niels Bohr (1885-1962), a Danish physicist
Energy on a Large Scale
The first evidence of uranium fission (the splitting of uranium
atoms) was observed by German chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz
Strassmann in Berlin at the end of 1938. When these scientists discovered
radioactive barium impurities in neutron-irradiated uranium,
they wrote to their colleague Lise Meitner in Sweden. She and
her nephew, physicist Otto Robert Frisch, calculated the large release
of energy that would be generated during the nuclear fission
of certain elements. This result was reported to Niels Bohr in Copenhagen.
Meanwhile, similar fission energies were measured by Frédéric
Joliot and his associates in Paris, who demonstrated the release of
up to three additional neutrons during nuclear fission. It was recognized
immediately that if neutron-induced fission released enough
additional neutrons to cause at least one more such fission, a selfsustaining
chain reaction would result, yielding energy on a large
While visiting the United States from January to May of 1939,
Bohr derived a theory of fission with John Wheeler of Princeton
University. This theory led Bohr to predict that the common isotope
uranium 238 (which constitutes 99.3 percent of naturally occurring
uranium) would require fast neutrons for fission, but that the rarer
uranium 235 would fission with neutrons of any energy. This meant that uranium 235 would be far more suitable for use in any sort of
bomb. Uranium bombardment in a cyclotron led to the discovery of
plutonium in 1940 and the discovery that plutonium 239 was fissionable—
and thus potentially good bomb material. Uranium 238
was then used to “breed” (create) plutonium 239, which was then
separated from the uranium by chemical methods.
During 1942, the Manhattan District of the Army Corps of Engineers
was formed under General Leslie Richard Groves, an engineer
and Army general who contracted with E. I. Du Pont de
Nemours and Company to construct three secret atomic cities at a
total cost of $2 billion. At Oak Ridge, Tennessee, twenty-five thousand
workers built a 1,000-kilowatt reactor as a pilot plant.Asecond
city of sixty thousand inhabitants was built at Hanford, Washington,
where three huge reactors and remotely controlled plutoniumextraction
plants were completed in early 1945.
A Sustained and Awesome Roar
Studies of fast-neutron reactions for an atomic bomb were brought
together in Chicago in June of 1942 under the leadership of J. Robert
Oppenheimer. He soon became a personal adviser to Groves, who
built for Oppenheimer a laboratory for the design and construction
of the bomb at Los Alamos, New Mexico. In 1943, Oppenheimer
gathered two hundred of the best scientists in what was by now being
called the Manhattan Project to live and work in this third secret
Two bomb designs were developed. A gun-type bomb called
“Little Boy” used 15 kilograms of uranium 235 in a 4,500-kilogram
cylinder about 2 meters long and 0.5 meter in diameter, in which a
uranium bullet could be fired into three uranium target rings to
form a critical mass. An implosion-type bomb called “Fat Man” had
a 5-kilogram spherical core of plutonium about the size of an orange,
which could be squeezed inside a 2,300-kilogram sphere
about 1.5 meters in diameter by properly shaped explosives to make
the mass critical in the shorter time required for the faster plutonium
fission process.
A flat scrub region 200 kilometers southeast of Alamogordo,
called Trinity, was chosen for the test site, and observer bunkers
were built about 10 kilometers from a 30-meter steel tower. On July
13, 1945, one of the plutonium bombs was assembled at the site; the
next morning, it was raised to the top of the tower. Two days later,
on July 16, after a short thunderstorm delay, the bomb was detonated
at 5:30 a.m. The resulting implosion initiated a chain reaction
of nearly 60 fission generations in about a microsecond. It produced
an intense flash of light and a fireball that expanded to a diameter of
about 600 meters in two seconds, rose to a height of more than 12 kilometers,
and formed an ominous mushroom shape. Forty seconds
later, an air blast hit the observer bunkers, followed by a sustained
and awesome roar. Measurements confirmed that the explosion had
the power of 18.6 kilotons of trinitrotoluene (TNT), nearly four
times the predicted value.
On March 9, 1945, 325 American B-29 bombers dropped 2,000
tons of incendiary bombs on Tokyo, resulting in 100,000 deaths from
the fire storms that swept the city. Nevertheless, the Japanese military
refused to surrender, and American military plans called for an
invasion of Japan, with estimates of up to a half million American
casualties, plus as many as 2 million Japanese casualties. On August
6, 1945, after authorization by President Harry S. Truman, the
B-29 Enola Gay dropped the uranium Little Boy bomb on Hiroshima
at 8:15 a.m. On August 9, the remaining plutonium Fat Man bomb
was dropped on Nagasaki. Approximately 100,000 people died at
Hiroshima (out of a population of 400,000), and about 50,000 more
died at Nagasaki. Japan offered to surrender on August 10, and after
a brief attempt by some army officers to rebel, an official announcement
by Emperor Hirohito was broadcast on August 15.
The development of the thermonuclear fusion bomb, in which
hydrogen isotopes could be fused together by the force of a fission
explosion to produce helium nuclei and almost unlimited energy,
had been proposed early in the Manhattan Project by physicist Edward
Teller. Little effort was invested in the hydrogen bomb until
after the surprise explosion of a Soviet atomic bomb in September,
1949, which had been built with information stolen from the Manhattan
Project. After three years of development under Teller’s guidance, the first successful H-bomb was exploded on November
1, 1952, obliterating the Elugelab atoll in the Marshall Islands of
the South Pacific. The arms race then accelerated until each side had
stockpiles of thousands of H-bombs.
The Manhattan Project opened a Pandora’s box of nuclear weapons
that would plague succeeding generations, but it contributed
more than merely weapons. About 19 percent of the electrical energy
in the United States is generated by about 110 nuclear reactors
producing more than 100,000 megawatts of power. More than 400
reactors in thirty countries provide 300,000 megawatts of the world’s
power. Reactors have made possible the widespread use of radioisotopes
in medical diagnosis and therapy. Many of the techniques
for producing and using these isotopes were developed by the hundreds
of nuclear physicists who switched to the field of radiation
biophysics after the war, ensuring that the benefits of their wartime
efforts would reach the public.
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