24 September 2009
Optical disk
The invention:Anonmagnetic storage medium for computers that
can hold much greater quantities of data than similar size magnetic
media, such as hard and floppy disks.
The people behind the invention:
Klaas Compaan, a Dutch physicist
Piet Kramer, head of Philips’ optical research laboratory
Lou F. Ottens, director of product development for Philips’
musical equipment division
George T. de Kruiff, manager of Philips’ audio-product
development department
Joop Sinjou, a Philips project leader
Holograms Can Be Copied Inexpensively
Holography is a lensless photographic method that uses laser
light to produce three-dimensional images. This is done by splitting
a laser beam into two beams. One of the beams
22 September 2009
Oil-well drill bit
to penetrate hard rock formations.
The people behind the invention:
Howard R. Hughes (1869-1924), an American lawyer, drilling
engineer, and inventor
Walter B. Sharp (1860-1912), an American drilling engineer,
inventor, and partner to Hughes
Digging for Oil
Arotary drill rig of the 1990’s is basically unchanged in its essential
components from its earlier versions of the 1900’s. A drill bit is
attached to a line of hollow drill pipe. The latter passes through a
hole on a rotary table, which acts essentially as a horizontal gear
wheel and is driven by an engine. As the rotary table turns, so do the
pipe and drill bit.
During drilling operations, mud-laden water is pumped under
high pressure down the sides of the drill pipe and jets out with great
force through the small holes
The invention: A resilient, high-strength polymer with applications
ranging from women’s hose to safety nets used in space flights.
The people behind the invention:Wallace Hume Carothers (1896-1937),
an American organic chemist Charles M. A. Stine (1882-1954), an American chemist
and director of chemical research at Du Pont Elmer Keiser Bolton (1886-1968),
an American industrial chemist Pure Research In the twentieth century,
American corporations created industrial research laboratories.
Their directors became the organizers of inventions,
and their scientists served as the sources of creativity.
The research program of